Sunday 17 April 2011

Evolution of Society

If you do some surface research (Google / Wikipedia) about the banning of SH5, you will soon discover that it is mainly the profanity and sexual references that landed Vonnegut in hot water. However, the book also includes a considerable amount of what could be construed as anti-American sentiment. The passages that we read in class regarding the American poverty epidemic and the general lack of integrity among American soldiers amounts to a very controversial stance on what most Americans feel very strongly about. Regardless, the book was banned in some places and remains a contentious piece of writing to this day.

Do you feel literature that could provoke strong reactions should be withheld or censored? What are your thoughts about SH5's potential to offend readers? You might also consider making connections to the other novels that we've read this year (also banned books at some point).
            SH5 has been seen as being an offensive book to some readers because of its content. When this book was written many years ago the people who grow up in that generation were very religious and followed the religion that they follow very strictly.  Today most people have let go of the tight grip of religion and do not follow it as vigorously.  Saying that SH5 in my belief cannot be seen as offensive in today’s society.  The content in the novel that is got it banned in the first place, the sexual, violent and aggressive narrative can be seen in everyday life today.  I can see how the novel when first came out was seen as offensive because of the fact that time travel was thought to be wrong in the eyes of god and the bible.  Also with the debate of fate and destiny that appears in the novel with Billy’s strong belief fate goes against what the bible tries to show us, that if we believe in ourselves and follow god we can do whatever we set our mind to.  When the novel first came out can see how people believed that this book was told to be going against religious beliefs.
As well we see the rules of TV have evolved in regards to what can be shown, the rules of novels have evolved as well. Many years ago TV was not allowed to show things such as two people in the same bed and sexual scenes of women that might be taken as degrading, but today we show scenes where girls are fully naked.  We can see the same type of evolution with novels regarding the content.  Novels with sexual images or swearing were not seen as acceptable many years back but are deemed acceptable today.  The way I see it Vonnegut was just ahead of his time in regards with time travel and content related material.

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